Camellia Japonica Guilio Nuccio


 Camellia Japonica Guilio Nuccio £7.50 each

Description Cultural Notes Plant Information
Beautiful salmon-red semi-double flowers borne over a long period. Glossy dark green leaves. Water thoroughly before planting. An attractive shrub with dark green, glossy leaves and large, semi double flowers of deep coral rose pink.  Compact, upright growth which will make a small tree in 50 years.  Avoid a planting position exposed to early morning sun as this can damage the flower buds.

Hardiness: Hardy Height max: 5m
Position: Full sun/ Patial shade Spead max: 5m
Soil Type: Acidic, Fertile Growing speed: 20 - 50 years
Protection:  Flower colour: Red
  Flower months: Feburary - May
  Foliage: Evergreen
  Toxicity: None