Phormium Yellow Wave


 Phormium Yellow Wave (Flax Lily) £5.00 small, £7.50 medium, £70.00 large each

Description Cultural Notes Plant Information
A bold, evergreen perennial forming clumps of broad, arching, sword shaped, leathery leaves which are heavily striped with bright yellow to 1m long.  The dull red flowers, which are seldom produced and only on mature plants are in clusters on a long, woody stems and are tubular, curved and have protruding stamens.

Hardiness: Hardy Height max: 4 m
Position: Full sun Spead max: 2 m
Soil Type: Fertile Growing speed: 5 - 10 years
Protection: Flower colour: Red
  Flower months: July - August
  Foliage: Evergreen
  Toxicity: None